Web 3 Legalities with Mitch Jackson

26 min readJun 21, 2022

In this episode of Freedom with NFT’s Mitch Jackson shares with us about:

  • Legal situations to be aware of in the NFT space
  • What steps to take to be legally protected during your NFT journey
  • Why meetings in the Metaverse are beneficial
  • His favorite virtual meetings spaces

About Mitch Jackson:

Mitch Jackson is an award-winning 2009 Orange County Trial Lawyer of the Year and 2013 California Litigation Lawyer of the Year. He enjoys applying his 35 years of practicing law to help and add value to consumers and clients who are doing the digital dance at the intersection of law, business, and technology including the Metaverse and Web3.

[00:00:00] Lauren Turton: Welcome back to freedom with NF Ts. I’m your host, Lauren Turton. And on today’s episode, we’re going to be getting into so much valuable content, legal content. If you’ve been with me on this journey for a while, you know, when I started the freedom with NF T’s podcast, but I made it a point to bring on people who spoke about topics that I had a hard time finding the answer to. Mitch Jackson and I connected on a Twitter space many months ago, and we’ve been keeping up with each other on social media. And I absolutely love what he’s done in his pivot in the web three space. He’s spent 35 years as a trial lawyer. 2019 was named Orange County’s trial lawyer of the year in 2013, California’s litigation lawyer of the year, Mitch, it’s an honor to have you on the freedom with NF T’s podcast, how are you today?

And of course, in true Lauren Turton fashion, I had to get my way in there to figure out what was going on. And this is when I met Jeremy Cowart, who is a visual artist and photographer later on we’ll have Jeremy share the activation that he was doing at NFT LA, Jeremy, how are you today?

[00:00:59] Mitch Jackson: I’m doing fantastic, Lauren, thanks for having me on. This is going to be so much fun because you and I are both passionate about NF T’s and the web three space. And I’m hoping I can bring a little bit different perspective to your audience members on things they might want to pay attention to moving forward, quick correction that was a 2009, Orange County trial lawyer of the Year Award, not that it matters, okay. But I just want to make sure everything we talked about today is clear, concise, and accurate. Because I think when it comes to building community and a web three space, when it comes to being transparent, it’s important for both of us to walk our talk. So it’s good to be here. Can’t wait to dive into the issues. And all I am going to say is I wish I was a little bit closer to where you’re located right now than where I am at this end of the podcast episode.

[00:01:49] Lauren Turton: It is a beautiful day here in Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. I’m very thankful to be here. And I think you are someone who also thrives in the sunshine living in Southern California, before I mentioned some of your incredible achievements in the legal world. But let’s dig a little bit more into that. Can you share with us what your background is in?

[00:02:09] Mitch Jackson: I’d be happy to I’ll give you the 62nd version. So before web three before social audio social media, the internet bulletin boards even before the fax machine, Lauren and I’m aging, I’m dating myself right here. I grew up on a guest ranch in Tucson, Arizona, I grew up watching my mom and dad host guests from all over the world horseback riding tennis golf, 600,000 acre gain Game Reserve was right next to the ranch. And so I grew up doing all of those cowboy things. I watched my mom and dad build this business and run this business for 30 years. And it was all premised around relationships. A friend of mine that lived up the road from where I grew up. He and I used to go scuba diving all the time, all the time down in the Sea of Cortez, which is which is where you’re located. And he happened to be a lawyer in Tucson and I’d listened to Fred’s stories. And I thought to myself someday, if I ever go to college, if I ever go to law school, you know, this is something that I want to do is have my own law firm. And so fast forward to today. That’s what I did moved to Southern California started my law firm out of the back of my car 3536 years ago, met my wife in law school. She’s my partner, she makes all the important decisions at the firm. And and we’ve been rocking and rolling ever since we love litigating and trying cases, I love holding wrongdoers accountable for the things that they do to innocent consumers. And what I’ve noticed with the web through space, Lorne is, as a lawyer, one of the advantages I think one of the benefits your audience members are going to get today is I’m the one that gets the phone calls when something goes wrong. I’m the one that companies will reach out to before anything you see publicly on social media, or in the discord, Twitter spaces. They’ve already talked to legal counsel about the pros and cons, the IP, the contracts, whether they’re allowed to do this in the web three space under SEC rules, regulations and guidelines. And so what I’m trying to say is I’ve got my finger on the pulse of what we’re going to talk about. And so I hope we can peel back, you know, pull back the curtain just a little bit and talk about some of these things so that your audience members will know how to move forward in a safe way, in an effective way and in a profitable way. And also maybe avoid some of the mistakes that you and I have seen some of our fellow community members making good faith. Because I think the less mistakes you you can avoid making, the better off you are for positioning yourself for success moving forward. So that’s why I’m excited to be here today other than sharing the digital room with you.

[00:04:44] Lauren Turton: Wonderful, I’m so excited to get into all of this juicy content. But before we do, I’m curious to know when did you first find out about NFTs.

[00:04:53] Mitch Jackson: When did I first find out so it’s been a couple of years since the term non fungible token, and I’m not even sure if that was the term that came across my desk, accompany thinking about coming out with a technology that we now know, are NF T’s. And I remember thinking to myself, this is this is a fascinating tool. It’s something that if we can leverage non fungible tokens with other technology, which you and I now will refer to as blockchain and smart contracts, okay, because back then some of the NF T’s that we were talking about were done on centralized servers. One company is control of air in control of everything. But I remember this concept coming across my desk, doing some legal contracts premise around that concept. And it got me interested. And then I would say over the last year and a half with everything that we’ve been watching, with the web three world exploding with the advancement of the ease of use and integrations of the different platforms, and digital wallets, and for me, the metaverse spaces, everything came together, I dived in headfirst, just like you have, and have never looked back. And here’s the fun part. You and I talked before we went live about how I adapted to and utilize social media early to build a global brand. And I think for your listeners who use and tap into web three technologies today, you know what, probably even in 2023, next year, you’re still early. And I think there’s a chance and an opportunity to really build out a global brand, to market your products and services using some of the things that we’re going to be talking about today, in a way that your competitors have never even thought about. You know, when we jumped into our Twitter spaces, and we talk NF T’s in our discourse, we’re like one half of one point of oh, 1% of people on this planet, they’re even talking about this stuff, the large conventions that you’re going to learn. When you look at the numbers at these conventions, it’s point 00000 1% of the global population. This is new, this is exciting. This is going to change the world just like the printing press, the wheel, electricity and the internet. combined. We’re living in exciting times. That’s why I’m a part of this conversation.

[00:07:18] Lauren Turton: So for someone who pivoted did hard years ago, when social media first came out, and someone who pivoted hard now, with non fungible tokens coming out, what advice do you have for people who are listening right now to this episode, who are on the fence about entering the NFT and web three space

[00:07:39] Mitch Jackson: on the fence? Okay, I would suggest, do you know there’s a term out there in NFT world, do your own damn research or something like that. And that’s important, okay. I’m gonna raise the bar a little bit, do quality research, pick an aspect of entity and FTS and dive deep, whether it’s regarding blog posts, whether it’s the NFT Handbook by Matt Forte. Now on Kerrison theory, it’s a great book, Matt’s a lawyer here in LA. And just take baby steps, learn the process. Be interested in the niche that you’re thinking about going into, see what other people are doing. And then just don’t rely on what they tell you take a step back, take a deep breath, and then do your own due diligence on what someone said, is what they told you accurate? Are you using tools like LexisNexis and Thomson Reuters, which are online investigative tools to see who it is that’s asking you to invest in an NF T drop, to see who it is that wants to be a partner of yours with a big project and a few projects that people are putting together? These these resources give you access to literally billions of data points to be able to analyze people, companies and situations so you know who you’re doing business with. You’re not getting caught up in FOMO fear of missing out in his stead, you’re approaching these opportunities with a clear head and with all of the material facts in front of you so that you can make smart business decisions. That’s where I’d like to see people start and I think you can take an hour or two a day, whether it’s really in the morning or late at night for those of us working full time, full time, and just slowly and gradually learn the process.

[00:09:24] Lauren Turton: What have been some of your favorite resources for learning about this space?

[00:09:30] Mitch Jackson: Well, I’ll tell you when it comes to NF Ts, the NF T handbook I thought was pretty good. Have you had a chance to beat it by any chance?

[00:09:37] Lauren Turton: I have not. Okay, so

[00:09:38] Mitch Jackson: you have to check it out. Because Matt was one of the early NFT handbook. Everyone. Matt Forte now was one of the early online sports platforms back in the mid 90s. Okay, and he wrote the book on the music industry, which is considered the legal Bible of the music and music industry. His co authors the community may manager for Mark Cuban, and it’s a really good ADC chapter nine is is all the legalities of NF Ts. And I got excited when you asked me the question, I already forgot what the question is. But what I was getting at is, that’s something that really helped me wrap my head around, you know, the start and finish of the whole NFT type of situation or platform. I would also look at what some of the leading players in the NFT space, how are they doing things? How are they combining the creation and distribution and discussion of entities with building communities? Who are the great community builders out there building communities for the right reasons. So that through community, you can develop NFT digital assets that have value the gift or, or or digital asset that keeps on giving, you know, model the success of other people? And I think I can mention a few names if you want me to. But I mean, generally speaking, that’s what I would do to get started in this space.

[00:11:04] Lauren Turton: Absolutely. I’d love to hear who you’re thinking about. Well, well, okay,

[00:11:08] Mitch Jackson: so we have a mutual friend. And I think he’s doing a really good job in this space. And it’s Gary Vaynerchuk. Okay, and Gary and I go way back to the early days of just recorded video, YouTube type of video. And one of the things that he’s really good at is building community as you well. Now, I think V. Cons are a good example of that. And when you look at and listen to what Gary talks about, on his different digital channels, you’ll hear him over and over talk about community and relationships. And how NFTs are simply an integral component of doing all the above. Right. And so I think by modeling what they’re doing, by paying attention to what Gary saying, I think that’s a great place for people to start. And obviously, not all of us have that type of community. Not all of us have that type of business sense where it seems to me like everything Gary touches, turns to gold, we both know, there areexceptions to that. But I mean, we can still take away from what works and what doesn’t add that to your personality to your brand to your interests, what you enjoy doing in life, because I think it’s really important that we have fun, and enjoy what we’re doing each and every day. And then from those experiences, you can put together an NF T project or maybe an NF T drop, you can you can partner with the right people so that each and every day, through all of the hard work, and it does take a lot of hard work, you’re in an environment that’s pleasurable and enjoyable and meaningful for you. And I think when you do that, the NFT space comes together, it starts to make sense. And you’re you’re substantially increasing your your opportunities for success. However, you define success success.

[00:12:54] Lauren Turton: So many golden nuggets in there. And I want to flip the switch now and get into some legal legalities for the projects that you have consulted on in the web three space, what are some of the top legal issues that you’ve seen?

[00:13:08] Mitch Jackson: Some of the some of the top issues is you know, I spoke two weeks ago at CES in Phoenix, which was a great web three conference put on by Joe Palooza and Brian Clark. And what I talked to my audience about was really consider using legal entities in everything you do in the web three space. So if you’re a creator, if you’re an investor, if you’re someone hosting platforms, where people you know, do their NFT drops from think about doing so as a legal entity, some type of corporate entity, some type of limited liability company, the reason you want to do that is it separates your business liabilities from your personal from your personal assets. And you’re also creating tax benefits retirement plan benefits and venture capital benefits by doing business as a legal entity. So number one do business as a legal entity. I know it’s not always easy, it can sound complicated, but I think setting up a legal entity and learning how to use it the right way is critically important to long term success. Every single major NFT drop that I’ve been a part of or have offered counseling on or have watched as a third party was put on by some type of legal entity in the background. That was the foundation. That’s the first thing the second thing is I highly recommend for tax purposes for the Security and Exchange Commission purposes SEC purposes. I highly recommend that if you’re really serious about this space, you know find a good lawyer and a good CPA, in your state in your region in your country who can hold you by the hand take your hand and help you make those important tax decisions those financial decisions when building out your your businesses because I think there’s a lot of interesting zeros in the web three space when it comes to adding value when it comes to raising revenue when it comes Making an income. And it’s super important that people manage their money in a way. So that, for example, last year, when the markets were up, and there were a lot of NFT profits, flowing through digital wallets, and you fast forward to today where everything’s kind of upside down, and there’s there’s a an adjustment taking place in the crypto currency space, you’re positioning yourself to be able to take care of your financial obligations, both tax business and personal for the long term play. So the third aspect is think of this as a long term play. Okay, everything you do, shouldn’t be done via a spur of the moment decision. Plan ahead a little bit, have professionals, you know, helping you make these decisions and just finalizing my answer to your question. Over the years before web three, I’ve helped literally hundreds of startup companies, whether it’s actually starting the company, or in litigation or trial, there’s one consistent factor or element I’ve seen with every single successful startup without an exception, and that is number one, they had a good lawyer, and number two, or law firm behind them. And number two, they had a great CPA, okay. And because they’re able to make smart, long term intelligent decisions, they can position themselves for success. What I see in the web three space is I see a lot of fast paced, click First think later activity. And I get it, it’s exciting. But I’d like everybody to pump the brakes a little bit, and do the three things that we just discussed.

[00:16:37] Lauren Turton: Thank you so much for sharing those insights very important for everyone to think about as they enter the space or if they’re already in the space, some action items that they can take to make sure that they’re set up for success. Are there any legal situations that no one is thinking of, during their NFT journey?

[00:16:57] Mitch Jackson: Well, I’ll tell you, first of all, I’m a glass half full kind of kind of person, when it comes to web fate, let’s get that straight. Okay, my job is to just point out some of the landmines that I see people stepping into that could be easily avoided. I’ll tell you, one of the biggest challenges I’ve seen has to do with intellectual property with IP. And what I see happening is I see NFT creators, creating with third party designers, their NFT projects, and they reach out to a third party, the NF T’s are created the images, the designs, whatever it is the graphics. And the whole project is is underway, there’s a lot of money and time and effort being put into the drop. And either just before the drop or after the drop, you know, the founders find out that the content, the art that was originally provided by the third party was actually copyrighted, copyright protected, it was owned by somebody else. And nobody use contracts when hiring third parties to protect themselves in case there was a IP or copyright violation. So you in good faith could hire a third party designed something. But if that third party inadvertently, negligently or even intentionally took that art from from a third party, that from someone else who had intellectual property rights on that content, you’re going to be responsible as the part of the person in the chain of distribution. So what we encourage everyone to do Lauren is when you’re using third parties to help you with your NF and NFT content, whether it’s creating NF Ts, hosting the NF TS promoting the NF T’s you want to have in your you want to have a written agreement with those third parties. Number one, okay, which a lot of people aren’t doing you and I know that it’s a couple of clicks, and it’s like, let’s get this done. Number two, you want to have two provisions in that agreement, you want to have an indemnity provision, which means if you’re brought into a lawsuit or claim is brought, that third party agrees to reimburse you or indemnify you for any damages that might be incurred because of that third parties, improper negligent or intentional wrongful conduct. And then you also want to have a venue clause, a venue clause is a clause, where if there is some kind of dispute, you can pick in your venue clause, exactly where that disputes going to be resolved. For example, for my clients, it will be Los Angeles, California, or Orange County, California. So if you have someone in New York, parents, Paris and Berlin, and it’s a web three, down NFT type of environment, you can specify with all of the parties where the claims will be resolved. So I don’t have to fly to Paris, or to Berlin on behalf of my client to defend my client and a frivolous lawsuit. So those are two provisions. I’d like to see more creators and NFT artists use when dealing with third parties that will save them a lot of headaches and help them get a good night’s sleep.

[00:19:56] Lauren Turton: Something that just came up as you were sharing all of that is how overwhelming legalities can be for people who are not in that arena in that space like you are. So what’s a piece of advice that you would give for someone who’s listening to this who’s feeling overwhelmed right now, in regards to taking legal action, taking legal steps so that they can be protected?

[00:20:22] Mitch Jackson: It is overwhelming. And it’s complicated, right? Web three is complicated. I mean, right now, there’s a lot of things that are happening all at once we don’t know what’s going to work in a court of law, we’re not sure. Who’s liable if somebody has access inadvertently to somebody’s digital wallet. So because of the complexity of web three, I think it’s really important to, as a creator, form a relationship early with a qualified lawyer, or a qualified consultant, who knows what he she or they is doing are doing to help hold your hand and walk you through the process. We have a lot of clients, both legal clients and consulting clients, that are NFT creators. And what we’ve noticed is a lot of the questions that they’re stumbling over, you know, how should I should I do business as an individual image? Or should I start an LLC? What type of written agreements should I be using in the purchase and sale of my NF T’s? Or when I’m hiring third parties? A lot of the questions that keep them up at night, we’ve had, you know, lawyers across the country and across the world have handled, you know, 1000s of these, you know, similar situations where we know the answer, like the back of our hand. So Lauren, I would simply suggest, you know, partner in spends as much time as you do, creating that first NFT, spend as much time finding the right business consultant or lawyer to hold your hand and walk you through the process. And I know it’s a hassle. I know, it’s complicated. And sometimes it can be a little bit expensive. But it’s time and money well spent early in the process that will avoid nightmare situations a year, two years or five to 10 years down the road.

[00:22:04] Lauren Turton: Absolutely. And I know so many people are entering the NFT space because they want to use this technology to create legacies. And by taking action in the beginning by aligning with lawyers CPAs, you truly have what you need to create those legacies. So thank you for sharing those pieces of advice. Real quick, I’m sure. Yeah,

[00:22:27] Mitch Jackson: absolutely. Oh, real quick, because you mentioned the word legacy. And I don’t have a hard stop, just so you know, but I know we do have a time limit. So here’s the thing, every major NFT dropped, that you’ve seen that people are talking about, look, there are corporate entities behind these drops. And there’s a reason why that’s happening. If they’re doing it, you might want to think to yourself, why aren’t I doing the same thing? Right? They’re doing it that way? Because that’s how they’ve been advised by really good law firms. You asked me what are some things that people haven’t thought about? You mentioned legacy, which I want everyone to do because we’re all creating art and memories and legacies in value with our NF T’s. Think about incorporating your NF T’s into your estate plants, into your wills into your trust. If something happens, God forbid to one of you if you become incapacitated, or you know, an untimely death, who has access and the rights to your NFT, who gets to enjoy the value of all that hard work you’ve put in so you can provide for your heirs ahead of time. I think that’s critically important if you’re doing business in the NFT space with business partners, or multiple officers in a corporation, have a business succession agreement, and some plans put in place if something happens to your business partner who’s allowed to step in and take over his hurt or their position and or are their buyout opportunity. So planning, for all of the things that we’re working so hard to build? I think it’s critically important when you think of your family, and you think of your heirs. And when you think of the ongoing efforts of your business or business partners.

[00:24:04] Lauren Turton: Thank you. I’m so glad that you shared all of that. Ah, it’s so exciting to have you on here because I know this is going to help so many people. Earlier we mentioned that you’ve been at the forefront of pivoting when social media came out pivoting in the web three and NFT space. I want to talk to you a little bit about the metaverse as someone who consumed your content. I know that you spend time in the metaverse, I know that you enjoy the metaverse. Tell me about where you think the meta versus going in regards to businesses leveraging the metaverse.

[00:24:40] Mitch Jackson: I think it’s going to change everything. It’s it’s an opportunity for us to meet for example, you and I meeting in one of our virtual spaces right now using a set of goggles like I just showed on the video portion of this of this interview, where it feels like you and I are in the same room and your image your face whether it’s through your webcam, a photo you upload from your phone or your desktop, it’s it’s using artificial intelligence. It’s integrated onto your avatar body. And it feels like we’re in the same space. And when we’re in these spaces, Lauren, unlike, you know, zooms, and some zooms some of the other platforms, were able to look at videos and photos and 3d objects and manipulate them, regardless of where we’re located around the world. It’s, it’s such an intimate professional experience, that I encourage everyone to give it a try. And what I see happening is, once more and more people start using different Metaverse spaces. And right now, if anyone’s interested, the four spaces that would you mind if I shared the four spaces that we’re recommending for business owners and professionals. So my whole thing is I need to be in a space that has that professional first impression, it can’t look like a Lego set, I can’t have little kids running around, pulling my pant leg when I’ve got clients paying me 1000s of dollars an hour, right? So it has to be professional. So the four platforms that we’re using, that are just beautiful conference rooms, amazing office spaces, all of the interactive tools that you might need our spatial.io Engage vr.io Glue Dot work in horizon, Oculus work rooms, those four spaces we’re meeting clients in right now. And they are loving it. I tell a story, Lauren, just quickly, it was raining in Southern California a couple of months ago. And when it rains in Southern California, everything stops, right that 45 minute drive from LA to Orange County turns into a four hour drive bumper bumper. So everyone’s calling first thing in the morning, do we schedule in my front office and listen, if you’d like we can do emails, zoom, we can reschedule or you can meet Mitch in our virtual office conference room. So two of our tech clients, let’s do that. Let’s give it a try. One was a participant a prospective client, I’m getting excited just telling you the story. So I need to get breath, I need to slow down. So we hop into this conference room. And I’m trying to land this big client. And what we did is we used engage vr.io. And about 10 minutes before the meeting, we put up a couple of the company logos, we put up their YouTube promo video, just a couple of clicks. And the clients walked into the room using their headsets. So they’re like walking into the room to beat me, they’re looking around, and they can see that we took the time to customize this initial meeting environment, highlighting some of the things that I knew they’re very excited about. So I started sharing my spiel, and within about 60 seconds, one of the decision makers, Mitch, stop talking, you’re our lawyer, this is amazing, we want you to represent us in this case, that wouldn’t have happened as quickly had we not given that client the opportunity or option to meet with us in one of our virtual office spaces. I see that same experience happening in almost any industry, any business, any occupation, if I’m sitting down with a group of investors, with a large upcoming NFT drop, and we’re meeting at a virtual conference room, with people joining us from around the world. And we’re able to grab and take that 3d NFT and rotate it and show people how it unlocks and the benefits that are going to be given to people who purchased the NF T’s. And we complement you know what we’re talking about using graphics and photos and 3d objects. I’m using storytelling techniques through my audio because I am an avatar, I’m using metaphors to make my point I’m working the space in the conference room, I’m moving my avatar around the conference room and keeping everything engaging. I’m using my hands just like I would in front of a jury. I’m paying attention to my facial expressions because my headset is picking up movement in my cheeks and my eyes and my lips. And it’s just one of those situations where once you learn how to communicate persuasively, persuasively in the virtual platforms, I think. I think it’s going to allow more of us to close deals that we didn’t even know are on the table. Because we’re interacting with people on the other side of the world who will feel Lauren like they’re in the same room with you and me. And I think that’s the power of the metaverse. I’m not talking about Facebook, I’m not talking about meta, there are literally 1000s of meta verses out there right now that you can pick and choose from that work for you. So I’m excited about combining these virtual interactions with web three technology with complementing all of that with digital currency and NF Ts. So Lauren, if you are a new client to our law firm, you would be given the option if you’d like to receive one of our NF T’s and if you do we share the NFT with you, it unlocks access to you for you to our private CRM we have access to your files, your calendar, and communication tools, so you can privately communicate with the lawyers. It gives you access to a PRI that weekly client interaction that we have in a virtual space with our clients, it gives you access or discounted rates to different virtual events or different in real life events that we’re hopefully rolling back out right moving forward in time. So we’re using NF T’s to add value to our clients, but also to build a marketing and branding tool that most of the lawyers aren’t using, so that when that client goes home, or that client sitting at an NBA playoff game, and they’re leaning over to their client, say, showing them the phone, look at my look at my lawyer just sent me it’s an NF T. And guess what this does. And I mean, that is just amazing marketing and branding, much less creating an exemplary client experience. So for all of these reasons, I’m just excited about, we’re just getting started with everything that you and I’ve talked about, what’s it going to be like in three to four years. That’s the exciting part.

[00:30:57] Lauren Turton: That is the exciting part. And we talked about this before we started recording, it’s going to be incredible to look back in the last few years and see the content that people were creating. I know that you go hard with your content creation, sharing about web three technology, the metaverse and so many things we talked about today. And when we look back three years, five years, 10 years from now, we’re gonna say, Wow, Mitch Jackson. He went hard and look what he’s created. Since then, I’m so impressed and proud of the work that you’ve done. Everything that we’ve you’ve shared today on the freedom with NF T’s podcast before we wrap this episode up, I’m curious to know, what’s your favorite memories so far, during your web three journey.

[00:31:43] Mitch Jackson: The people that I’ve met along the way, as much as I like technology, I like relationships. I like meeting people in real life. And I like building communities. And I think for me, Lauren, it was traveling over to CX in Phoenix, Arizona, from Orange County, California, with my son who just graduated from the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, Garrett and I just started two months ago, a new company called maneuver where we help traditional businesses transition into the metaverse and web three space. And my wife, the three of us going to CX, and actually fist bumping hugging, and seeing a lot of friends who I hadn’t met before in real life that I first connected with in the web three environment. So for me, my biggest takeaway was putting that real life experience and helping us create that full circle relationship to what we’ve been doing the last two years in the pandemic online. So if that’s been my biggest takeaway, let me ask you a question. What’s been your biggest takeaway?

[00:32:50] Lauren Turton: Same thing, it’s been absolutely incredible. Over the last almost year, since I pivoted into the space, the connections that I’ve made, the people I have encountered, the relationships that I’ve developed, coming from the web to space where I was a business coach, there’s such a massive difference in the web three space in regards to support, supporting one another, helping each other. And there’s a massive difference in the web three space of awareness of things that happened in web two that were bad, that should not happen in web three, and people taking action to make sure that those things don’t happen. One of the highlights for me in the web three space is how women are coming together to support one another. And in an industry that still at 85%, male dominated, it is so refreshing and incredible to have the support of women, whereas in web two, it was, you know, competition cutthroat, that whole vibe and attitude. And so that shift that’s happened in web three, of community and connection that for me has been it’s been life changing. And I appreciate you asking me that question.

[00:34:04] Mitch Jackson: Your answer to me reminds me of the legal profession. And you know, my wife we met in law school, like I mentioned, partners ever since gifted trial lawyer but in the early years watching what she had to go through, you know, in a good old boys club down at the courthouse is what it was. And if you when you meet Lisa someday you’ll see that she doesn’t put up with anybody’s bullshit. And and so she’s she, she basically put everybody in place like she should. Watching my daughter, who’s a third year lawyer at Sheppard Mullin and sanctuary city. The things that she’s dealing with today that are still here, right that Lisa had to deal with 35 years ago when she first started practicing. And what I’m hearing from you is we’re seeing the same thing in the web three space. And I will tell you that maybe some of the solutions that worked in the legal profession over the last couple of decades, might also work in the web three spaces is probably what you’re already doing. But you have the tools you have the understanding of what you need to do to fix this problem or to improve a situation for those people listening to this interview that don’t have the tools. If anyone wants to reach out to me, I can put you in touch with Lisa because I think what worked for her in the legal profession would work also in a web three space. So I wasn’t really aware of that. So I’m glad you brought that to my attention.

[00:35:25] Lauren Turton: Absolutely. And how can we stay in touch with you, Mitch, how can we stay in touch with Lisa?

[00:35:31] Mitch Jackson: Well, the easiest way to stay in touch is just jump over to my blog. It’s Mitch jackson.com. That’s where I post most of my web three Metaverse, biz legal tips, articles, and everything else in between the Law firm website is Jackson and wilson.com. And hopefully I’ll be able to follow up this conversation with you before the end of 2022 down in Cabo on top of the paddleboard heading out into the sea of Cortez.

[00:36:02] Lauren Turton: Absolutely. That would be wonderful. It’s been an honor to have you on freedom with NF T’s so many golden nuggets, so much advice, freedom with NF T’s audience you know the drill. If you resonated with this episode, please share it with your audience. When I started this podcast, it was my objective to align with people who had areas of expertise that of course, I don’t have the answers to and I know so many of you don’t either. This episode will help so many people in your community and as always get informed and get involved. That’s all for this episode. We’ll see you on the next one.

Connect with Mitch Jackson:

Website: https://mitchjackson.com/

Law Firm Website: https://www.jacksonandwilson.com/

Twitter: https://twitter.com/mitchjackson

Connect with your host, Lauren Turton:

Twitter: https://twitter.com/LaurenTurton_

Website: https://freedomwithnfts.com

Discord Community: https://bit.ly/fnftsdiscord




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