One of the Hottest NFT Projects to date

3 min readApr 2, 2022

Are you looking for the next big project in the NFT space?

We do not usually promote NFT projects just because they are “awesome” or they are the “NEXT BIG THING” — but today is an exception.

We would like to let you in on a project that we have been collaborating with for the past few months. Lauren, herself, is one of the members and influencers backing this NFT project.

Some of the big names you might be recognizing from this project are the NFL Stars, Devin & Jason McCourty, and NFT Influencer with over 300K followers, Pranksy.

So, let me share with you what this project is all about, because, I tell you, this project is not just an artwork NFT project. There is so much more inside this project than the art.

Let’s dive in.

About the Tribe X NFT project

One of the best things about this project is that it is not an artwork only NFT but it is a utility NFT.

This means that when you buy the NFTs, it comes with utilities that are exclusive for its NFT holders, which can be both virtual or IRL (in real life).

Tribe X is an NFT project which aims to bridge the racial tech gap in the NFT space and empower minorities (starting with women) to become more involved in the NFT space.

The goal of the project is to empower, equip and launch NFT projects from minorities in the tech world, starting with women and other racial minorities that are underrepresented in the metaverse.

In simple terms, they want to tell people, “Just because you’re not tech-savvy, or you’re not a guy, or you have a different color, you can’t be a part of this revolution. Everyone has a part to play here. You can be awesome in your own way!

What are the Benefits of Buying the Tribe X NFTs?

As I wrote above, the Tribe X NFT is not just an artwork-based NFT but also comes with utilities.

Here are just some of the perks that will be provided to the NFT holders during the different phases of their roadmaps:

✅ Holders will have the chance to work on the project. They will be giving the community a chance to be full-time or part-time moderators, creators, and marketers.

✅ TribeX launchpad is like an agency that will help talented and creative community members launch their own NFT projects by providing access to tools, resources and even looking for grants to fund the projects.

✅ IRL events where experts from various fields will share their stories, and tips. This also includes access to exclusive NFT events IRL and through Metaverse for all Tribe X Members.

✅ You will also be a part of the Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO) where you get a say to where the project is headed and how it can be improved.

✅ PLUS, exclusive giveaways, airdrops, merchandise, music festival, and members-only benefits.

All of that comes from minting one Tribe X NFTs.

Before you proceed

Now, before you proceed, I would like you to do your due diligence as well. I wouldn’t want you to be jumping right off the bat, just because I said so.

We should always practice what we preach, right?

And so, I would ask you that you do your research first before deciding whether you’re buying this NFT or not.

Here are the important links to check more about this NFT project.

Discord Community:

AND when you’re ready to give it a go, just click on this link:

Right now, Tribe X has a community of 32,000+ people from different industries, rooting for this project. Plus, it is backed by influential people not just in the NFT space but also in real life.

So, I would really love to see you inside this community, getting onboarded, and starting your own NFT project backed by Tribe X.

The pre-minting date will be on Saturday, March 26, 2022.

See you there!

We are honored to support your NFT journey!

Lauren Turton and the Freedom with NFTs team

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