How xCollectiv is Supporting Women and NonBinary People in Getting Paid Jobs in Web3

24 min readAug 25, 2022

In this episode of Freedom with NFTs, Rachel Sitman shares with us about:

  • How xCollective is supporting women and non-binary people in getting paid jobs in Web 3
  • How to leverage your skills from Web 2 to get a paid job in Web 3
  • Tips on how to get a job in Web 3

About Rachel Sitman:

Rachel Price Sitman founder & community builder of xCollective a professional growth community, with a mission to open virtual doors, focused on empowering women and nonbinary people in web3, through career coaching, networking & negotiation tips. Focused on empowering women & nonbinary individuals to make hiring in web3 more inclusive. Help in every step of the job-finding process including mentoring, education, coaching, resume review, negotiation tactics, and compensation data to improve pay transparency. She has placed hundreds of candidates in engineering, product, and go-to-market jobs at VC-backed tech startups.

xCollective is a welcoming space where you can find job opportunities, access pay data, receive mentorship and career coaching, and tips on resume crafting and negotiation strategy.

[00:00:00] Lauren Turton: Welcome back freedom with NFTs fam. It’s your girl, Lauren Turton. I’m live in the Freedom with NFT’s Discord community. And I’m so excited about the conversation that I’m having today with Rachel Sitman. Rachel has placed hundreds of candidates in engineering product and go to market jobs at VC backed tech startups. She is the founder of xCollective, which is a professional growth community with a mission to open virtual doors focused on empowering women and non-binary people in web three through career coaching, networking and negotiation.

You’re a visionary, and you know, all is possible in the web three space. I welcome you to Freedom with NFTs. I’m Lauren Turton, and in each episode of Freedom with NFTs, I interview NFT enthusiasts who share their tools, tips, and tricks so you can dive even deeper into creating your version of Freedom with NFTs and web three technology. New episodes drop every Tuesday and Thursday. So hit subscribe so you can stay dialed into Freedom with NFTs.

Welcome, Rachel, how are you today?

[00:01:17] Rachel Sitman: I’m great. Thanks so much for having me really excited to be here and chat more with you.

[00:01:22] Lauren Turton: I’m so pumped about what we’re going to be getting into today because it’s such an important topic, paid positions in the web three space. So why don’t you tell us about xCollective and the mission behind it?

[00:01:35] Rachel Sitman: Yeah, absolutely. And paid positions are something that was what actually drew me into the space in the first place. Because I recognized in January, talking to a lot of people, especially women, that they actually weren’t getting paid for their work. And so it’s kind of what led me to start xCollective, which is essentially a professional community. And like you mentioned, we’re focused on opening virtual doors, specifically for women and non-binary people. But we are open to all. And we do that through networking negotiation, resume review, something we’ve talked about earlier, translating your web two skill set into web three work and exactly like how to go about doing that. And then also helping with the compensation piece, right. So how do we get more patrons’ parents in the space, so that people, especially underrepresented groups, know how to advocate for themselves when it comes to the offer process at the end, so not just the beginning of the job process all the way through to the offer, like being a support system. And that’s the community right now that exists. It’s live. It’s a discord. It’s thriving. And our long-term vision is really to create a network effect of this. So how can we help people within the community get jobs without needing to be a recruiter? Which is actually what my background is

[00:02:53] Lauren Turton: Absolutely incredible with what you’ve created at xCollective. Tell me when did you first find out about NFTs? How did you get into web three?

[00:03:03] Rachel Sitman: Yeah, so back in like December, January, is when I really got interested in this space. I’m sure you’ve heard this story before. But there were just some really awesome women-led projects that caught my eye. And I honestly didn’t understand it, and it was slightly intimidating. And so in one sense of it, I felt like, maybe I should steer clear of this. And then the other side of me, maybe the more competitive side was like, I need to find out what is happening here. Because if it’s new, I need to get involved. And I’m happy I pushed towards that side of things. And really just like started to play around on Twitter and DM people and start to get to know people and network a bit in this space. And it really opened my eyes to all of the exciting parts of web three, generally, not just NF T’s but the entire Metaverse and crypto. I didn’t really understand even how like cryptocurrencies work. And it’s been really a fun experience. But what got me like, really like dug me in deep was this recruiting and talent. passion I have that I’ve done in web two that I recognized wasn’t really being talked about in web three, we were talking a lot in January, February about the art and, you know, making money with selling the art, it was very much like all those exciting things that we should be focusing on because it’s way more fun than talking about HR. But I realized that if we didn’t talk about the HR-related things people weren’t having contracts in place when starting new opportunities that like the marginalized communities, and underrepresented communities, were going to be the ones most vulnerable and taken advantage of. And that’s actually what I was seeing through just like user research, if you will, just having conversations with people. And then ultimately, I was like, We got to start a community. And it talks about some of these things that people actually don’t like talking about or want to talk About or don’t feel comfortable talking about and like a safe environment. And that’s how the discord was born.

[00:05:05] Lauren Turton: I love that you came into the web three space, and you took some time to look around and see what problems need to be solved. And then use your skills from the web to space to serve the web three space, congratulations on what you have created. I’m so excited to see how this supports so many people on their journeys. People are familiar with the gender pay gap, but you also focus on the gender network gap. Can you tell us a little bit more about that?

[00:05:41] Rachel Sitman: Yeah, so people have probably heard about the discrepancies in pay between genders and men and women working in the same roles. But there are also studies showing that women often have a lower network than men, and then they have lower access to opportunities. And so that’s always fascinated me, especially because the women that I know in my life are super outgoing and chatty, and always thinking to connect with one another. So I dug into it a bit. And I realized there were a couple of reasons why I felt women especially weren’t making introductions enough amongst our networks. And I think part of it is like a mindset psychology thing. And then part of it is really like a product thing. And the mindset piece is like, the pressure we sometimes put on ourselves to say, well, I developed this rapport with this person, and it’s this, this relationship is really important to me. Could I jeopardize it by making an introduction to someone and it doesn’t work out? And I think just like, squashing that mentality is a huge part of expletives be like, if that doesn’t lead to the world’s best introduction, that’s okay. So really just trying to, like, encourage people to say, you know, make the introduction, even if you don’t know what will come of it. And then the other part is a product, like how do we develop a system or product that helps people connect dots more easily, and to be able to say, like, not a person in my network, and that person in my network, they should know each other based on like, these dots I’m connecting. And so part of the collective is also to make it easier for people to do that. So at its simplest, you know, where we’re at now is just even being able to tag interests and roles to signal to the community, what types of jobs are looking for, so people can start thinking of others within the network, but we want to really like expand on that, to make it just really easy for people to say, you know, I want to introduce these to people and open up networks. And ultimately, my whole like, mission is to say, you know, you can be a recruiter, without needing to be a recruiter, rather, like you can get someone a job without being a recruiter. And it feels really, really good when you get someone a job. And like, even just get someone an opportunity and an interview. And so I want people to get that a little bit more. And kind of feels how rewarding that is. And know that you don’t have to be a formal recruiter in order to have that experience. So that’s the whole like, how do we get the network gap that exists and get more women networking with one another, introducing each other more openly and freely without this kind of layer of pressure that we put on ourselves sometimes?

[00:08:18] Lauren Turton: Absolutely incredible. I love everything you’re saying and resonate with the lines so much, again, so excited that you’re here. I thank you for your time and your energy. Let’s go into the topic of supporting the non binary community as well. In your line, you say that you support women and non-binary people and finding paid jobs and the web three space. Why is this so important to you?

[00:08:45] Rachel Sitman: Yeah, so for us and just to clarify, I mentioned earlier, our community is open to anyone, any gender, any race, religion, and anyone who wants to be involved as long as they uphold our values and support others in the community, of course. But I felt it was really important from day one to focus on women and non-binary individuals who I noticed were much more underrepresented already in web two jobs. But I mean, in crypto, like there’s no denying that there’s a lot less women and non-binary individuals. And so that I wanted to be my focus and specifically wanted to be very explicit in using the term non-binary and making sure they, that community also felt included. I think the stats are like 12% of millennials identify as either trans or non-binary and that also those millennials are a huge part of our workforce. And so I just wanted to make sure that, you know, by sheer numbers, we need to be including them. It’s a big part of our community, but also like, I don’t feel like the they’re intentionally included enough people who identify as non binary so just important for me in the beginning, when I started this To make it super clear, I’m not gonna lie, it’s a bit of a tongue twister sometimes it’s sort of women and non binary people, it’s a long, it takes a little bit longer to say. But I rather chip on my words and speak a little bit more to make sure that community feels included. And I feel that we’ve already have that in our Discord. And I mean, we’re just a couple of 1000 right now, hopefully, it will continue and impact a lot more people.

[00:10:24] Lauren Turton: A couple 1000. And you just started, that’s amazing.

[00:10:27] Rachel Sitman: It’s funny, because it’s like, you know how it is with grown communities. I mean, you obviously yourself do, it’s like, when you see the date, the day to day, it doesn’t feel like that much. But I do need to step back sometimes and think about where we were in January versus where we are now. But we’re really trying to grow in the most organic way. It’s not like an invite only type of community, but we just want people who want to be there. And it’s not really, we are doing an NFT. But it’s not like an NFT flip, you’re just trying to earn on it, which is fine. If you’re doing that, like I don’t want to say anything bad about wanting to make money on your NFTs. But we’re really more focused on like being, like curating a membership community.

[00:11:09] Lauren Turton: Wonderful. I love it. What tips do you have for people who are looking to network for jobs in web three?

[00:11:18] Rachel Sitman: Yeah, it’s funny, because like my immediate thought on tips, I keep thinking of what not to do. And so I’ll start there, which is do not underestimate or undervalue your existing skills. I find that so many people that I speak with, especially women and non-binary people looking for jobs in the community, when they’re first starting your search, they’ll say things like, Yeah, I’m kind of starting from scratch, what I did before was irrelevant. I, you know, I’ve never worked in web three, so I don’t know what to put on my resume. And these comments come up time and time again. So my first thing is don’t underestimate what experiences, even life experiences if it’s not necessarily work experience, can come into play here. I mean, we had a really interesting conversation last week, where we interviewed a few really awesome moderators in this space. And one, like we asked about skills, transferable skills, and I’m just naturally thinking through skills, like organizational skills and the ability to be flexible and learn something completely new. And this moderator, he brought up empathy as a skill. And I was like, wow, you’re right, that is so important. And you don’t, you don’t learn that at work. And usually, it’s actually hard to really learn it’s something that’s pretty neat. So I think the first tip I would have is like, use all your skills and, like, bring them with you into the job search. And then what to do when networking is to be really clear and concise in your outreach. I’m sure everyone’s heard this before. But you really want to make sure that the person on the other end is clear on why you’re reaching out just because there is so much noise in the space. So context is key. So you know, literally spelling it out to say, Hi, I’m reaching out to you, because XYZ might sound a little formal, but it’s okay. It’ll help that person understand, like, what action to take, if any, like how they can actually help you immediately. Is there someone else they might want to connect you with, because they’re not the one who can help you with that and someone else in their network can. So I think that’s the biggest takeaway. And the tip I have for networking is like, concise and clear. And context.

[00:13:37] Lauren Turton: Thank you so much for those golden tips. Very helpful. You’re not only helping give access to job opportunities, but you’re also coaching people to be better prepared for the job finding process.

[00:13:52] Rachel Sitman: Yeah, some of the ways that you help them totally Well, half the half the battle is, is really around like this imposter syndrome and confidence. And I kind of alluded to this, when I said people are telling me they don’t have skills that are relevant or jobs that are relevant. So half the battle is the coaching. Let’s actually just take a step back and write down what you’ve done in your previous roles or life experiences that might be relevant to the job that you’re applying for. And web three, make a list of those strengths, those skills, those experiences that you can share in an interview. And then the second piece is, what are those things that you have on that list? What do you like to do? So I think that’s another thing that happens a lot is people focus on what they’ve, what they’re good at, and what they’ve done, but maybe it’s not what you want to do next. So like really like that’s pretty much like a huge part of the coaching is like helping people through that thought process of what skills translate and also what skills you want to translate. And there’s a lot of coaching around negotiation. I have negotiated for Other people’s compensation for my whole recruiting career for like seven years now I’ve, anytime anyone needs me to negotiate their comp, I’m like running through the door ready to go, when it’s my own situation. Like it’s, it’s so hard to negotiate even for someone who negotiates on behalf of other people like it’s really hard to negotiate, and advocate for yourself when it comes to compensation not for everyone, but for some. And I think it’s just really important to have a plan, like prepare what you want to say, how you want to say it, maybe even practice it. And so a lot of our community is about running those thoughts and ideas by the community first actually having like one on one opportunities to roleplay. And the last piece is like having the data. I mean, a huge thing I noticed when I entered this space was I would start asking people like, you know, I’m just trying to understand the space. And I know you’re a moderator for this, this project, like, do you mind sharing how you’re compensated? And I would just get, like, so many different answers. And I just realized like, how is anyone going to know what to ask for? And I worry that a lot of people would be asking for less than their, their worth, because of the like, kind of murky waters that were that existed at the time and still kind of do so the other huge initiative we’re focused on is actually collecting that data. So we have a web three pay transparency, like a survey out where you can fill out how you’re being paid. So like how meaning like, is it tokens? Is it NFT is it meant proceeds is it US dollars, whatever it may be. And then also like, kind of the details around the structure and your role and the hours you work. And we’re working right now with a really awesome team of women who are part of the web three women in science, and they are data scientists, data visualization specialists, and they’re helping us basically take this data because it’s not my background. So we’re collecting the data and they’re helping us really turn it into something usable and tangible and, and helpful that someone in our community could then go take it to a job opportunity to negotiate. So that’s a lot of like the coaching work we’re doing as well.

[00:17:15] Lauren Turton: This episode of Freedom with NFTs was funded through a grant from the NEAR Foundation. To learn more about how the NEAR Foundation is building the future of the creator of the economy, visit N E A R dot O R G.

So incredible that you’re doing the coaching work, let’s get into a little coaching right now. If someone’s trying to figure out what their worth is, how do they do that?

[00:17:43] Rachel Sitman: Yeah, so what I saw in like the web two world, you know, I’ve got my list of websites, there’s levels FYI, there’s like all these different places you can point people to what I have been telling people who come to me, which is happening like daily in my 20, Twitter DMS asking me, do you think this is normal or market value rate, this is what I was offered. The biggest thing I’m sharing with them right now is if they feel comfortable, there’s two things if they feel comfortable, I would try to find someone who’s currently in a similar role at a similar project. And when I say similar project, maybe it’s similar size, if it’s a startup, it’s another series a startup and just find somebody in a comparable role. And just reach out and share. You know, this is an offer I got, I know we don’t really know each other, but if you feel comfortable, it’s really appreciated knowing that this is in line with what you’re where you’re at for compensation. And like I’ve been coaching people and doing that, that is not easy for everyone, not comfortable for everyone. I really think that’s a good way to actually find out what others are making and similar types of roles. We also because of this problem and because it’s not super comfortable for everyone to be doing that. We did make a this sort of like functionality, which we’re gonna work on an actual product for this but for now you go in our Discord, submit one of those support tickets, and you can ask an anonymous questions and you can say, I just got this job, this is the rate they offered me and then we can post it to the community and it’s kind of like crowdsource the feedback and confirmation on if it’s too high, or too high or too low. Or like right in line with the compensation so it’s I feel like it’s like how we’re doing it now which kind of feels like the old school version. Like there’s like, You got to just like network and ask around but it’s the way I think to do it at the moment. And the last piece is to like, try to compare the role to a web to Job is the other thing so like if you’re a moderator and working full time as a moderator, you could equate that to maybe like a customer service support job at a smaller company, whatever it may be, and try to find data that matches that because the web to data is like way more available. So those are some of the things I’m telling people right now. And I, I’m also telling people, I don’t have all the answers. So I’m just trying to help people get the answers. Hopefully, we collect enough data. And we have like a huge report and everyone just is coming to xCollective for all that data in the future.

[00:20:16] Lauren Turton: For someone who’s brand new to NFTs and the web three space, and they’re looking at it from the viewpoint of Oh, my gosh, this is overwhelming. How do I get involved? How do I figure things out? Is there a place for me? In the job market here? What advice do you give them?

[00:20:36] Rachel Sitman: There definitely is because there definitely is a place for the job in the job market and web three for you. Because the coolest part to me about space is that you can make up your own job. If you have something that you can offer someone in terms of like, something you’re really good at, and you identify that and either a project or company like a new reach out, and there’s not an open role, like they might create one and work with you to do so. So there’s definitely room for anyone who has any skill sets to come in. And some, you know, might get a little creative, and it might not be the most obvious job posting for you to just click on and apply. But yeah, there are so many different ways to get involved. And I think the best way to decide what you would want to do is to either get involved in like a project or down in like a very small capacity, right? So I’m not saying like, leave your web to job and just get on the web through job market. I think it’s good to do a little homework and research first. And that’s why I say like, contribute either to a Dow or projects in some shape or form. To understand what, you know, there’s marketing, there’s social media, there’s community management, and of course, there’s the technical jobs, content. That’s a huge one. More and more people are asking me Do you know really great content, folks?’’ And I’m like, this is going to be that this is going to be the biggest thing. So yeah, it’s just I think networking asking people like, how they’re how they’re liking their role, what they do on a day to day, and honestly listen to our spaces, because every Wednesday we bring on someone who works in web three to talk about what their role is in web three, and what it’s like doing the job, what the day to day is like what they can what you can expect. Every moderator job can be different depending on the actual project, but at least those kinds of conversations and Twitter spaces, not just xCollective, but really most Twitter spaces out there. You can learn what people are doing and ask those types of questions to get a feel of like, is that something I could see myself doing?

[00:22:37] Lauren Turton: Oh, thank you so much for all of those golden nuggets. I want to switch gears and go back to xCollective. The artwork is amazing. Tell me who’s your artist?

[00:22:49] Rachel Sitman: Yes, my artists. Her name is Malay ha Reve. She’s based in Dubai. She goes by Mel. And she’s an educator and a mother and an overall wonderful human. I like always joke with her. And like if none of this pans out, like I’m just happy I met you. She’s just like, really, I want to get on a plane and go to Dubai. But she said it’s really hot there. So I guess I’ll wait a few months. But she’s more of a traditional painter. And over the past, I think she started to explore more like, procreate and different things like digital art. And it kind of led her in the direction of NFT because she’s an educator. She’s both a teacher and a really good listener and learner. So I feel like I’m not surprised that she was interested in the web through space, despite not having a technical background and having been working in schools, and not necessarily online. But her son really encouraged her. She has a young son, and he encouraged her to like to start putting her art out there a bit more. So it’s been amazing just to watch her bloom, and this collection will be like her first huge collection. We’re minting in the next month or two. I’m going to make an announcement soon on the date. But I’m just excited to bring her art to the world through this collection. So she’s really talented. I wish I could quickly show you some art that I could send to you after it’s on our new website. So she’s amazing. I would say one small thing I’d add is she put a lot of symbolism into the work, a lot of bright colors, very vibrant, joyful, and engaging. When you look at it, you’re just like, I don’t want to look away. And the symbols are great. She is for me. I asked her if she would incorporate it like a small red bird. Because whenever I see red birds, I think about my grandma who passed and I know I’m probably not the only one out there who thinks of people who have passed them they see birds and so I had her put like a small bird on my shoulder on the PFP she put like she’s put like these beautiful rainbow fish in the background of a couple of the collection of in the collection because of a couple of things. One being Like the book Rainbow fish that she loved as a child, and then also, there’s a community manager, Bonnie, we were on the phone with her and her little one was saying, Can I get a pet fish? Can I get a pet fish so like, these little like small things she incorporated into the art that are special to the team. But then also like anybody can resonate and draw something from so excited to bring it to the world is going to be a collection of 5000 NFTs.

[00:25:25] Lauren Turton: Oh, amazing. Now that we’re talking about the team at xCollective, who else are you working with?

[00:25:30] Rachel Sitman: Yes. So we have a community manager named Bonnie, who’s wonderful. We have an advisor, Ashley, who is actually a lawyer, she’s a privacy lawyer, she’s super smart and has been really helping with like, kind of all things strategy. We’ve got Emily, who’s our partnerships manager, she’s in Dubai, too. She’s been hosting like a lot of our spaces. So in addition to like collaborating with other communities, she’s like the voice. I feel like behind the account often lately, which is so weird for me, because I was for like six months, it was me and I’m like, Oh, you have a British accent. That sounds so much better. And Lily is our project manager. She’s in Australia. She’s amazing. We’ve got a smart contract developer, actually did another like big collection a few months back, and I saw how great it turned out. And I reached out to her. And we just had someone do our website. But yeah, all women actually. What full women lead the team and it’s been great. We spend like we are constantly trying to find time to get on the phone at the same time. Half the battle, given we’re covering New York, Australia, Dubai, but it’s fun. It’s worth it. And I think the diversity of backgrounds and ideas makes for a better experience for the community.

[00:26:55] Lauren Turton: Thank you for sharing with us, the team members behind xCollective, what are the long-term plans for xCollective?

[00:27:03] Rachel Sitman: Yeah, so what I am really excited about and we’re talking about a lot everyday is like kind of what I alluded to before in minimizing the network gap, like how do we make it easier for people to refer one another to opportunities and open doors for people on because like, I love, love it kind of using this term, open virtual doors for people. And it sounds really nice. But one of our values is accountability and practicing what you preach. And so how do we actually open doors for people, right? Like, what are we really going to do? And that’s where we’re starting to come up with ways to make it easier for people to submit other people within their networks for job opportunities. Because I really believe that a lot of the reason that diverse and inclusive hiring is limited is because you’ll hire you know, a company might hire one recruiter, and I’ve been in the role of recruiters, I’ve seen this before. And when they hire that recruiter, that recruiter has like their network. And they’re really relying on that. And that’s, that’s, I mean, I’m a recruiter. So I have a decently big network, but relative to the rest of the world, like, it’s tiny. So I’m trying to think about how to decentralize recruiting and referrals. And really create a space where people can help people getting people can help people in the community get free jobs without being a recruiter, but also get paid for it. Because the kicker is there’s so much money in recruiting. And I’m like, why are we paying like all this money to like one part of the community? Like what if we redirected those funds that companies are willing to pay for great talent to the people who make introductions, and then maybe back to the whole collective and like kind of create this cycle, where people can not just make referrals out of the goodness of their heart, which is really important, but also feel like incentivized to do so. So that’s like the long-term roadmap and we’re working through, like, what those incentives could look like. What’s great about it is there’s real money in recruiting. And so there’s, this isn’t just like, you know, a token without value, we can really create something awesome. But I’m also very conservative and live in New York, and I want to do this, right. So I don’t want to have an issue in terms of like in New York law with tokens and crypto. And so I want to be really strategic about it. And so we’re building that kind of behind the scenes that I hope will really power the community and actually get people access to job opportunities they might not have otherwise heard of. A lot of the people in our network are amazing, but they just may not be networkers, and we can’t expect everyone to want to network with people. But what if I’m a networker and I can get someone an introduction and they’ll land the job. So I kind of like to do a little bit more of that.

[00:29:56] Lauren Turton: Oh, love all of this. This has been such an incredible interview Rachel, I really appreciate all of your golden nuggets that you’ve shared on this episode of Freedom with NFTs. Before we wrap this episode up, how can we stay in touch with you? How can we stay in touch with xCollective?

[00:30:14] Rachel Sitman: Yes. So my DMs are open on Twitter, I go by heyheyitsRP It’s a very funny story. But I kind of made it that and like a silly way and then didn’t touch my Twitter for a couple years. And then when I discovered crypto Twitter, and it is now I’m using that again. So that’s kind of my new brand. It’s kind of by accident. But that’s my personal Twitter xCollective, Twitter’s actually just X Collective without the E, the other one was taken. So make sure just without E that’s us. And then we have a website, join xCollective with the E dot X, Y, Z. So you can check out our new website. Shout out to cashew who built it for us. She’s based in India and really talented. So if anyone’s looking for a great website developer, let me know. And yeah, hop in our Discord. You can get to our Discord from all of those places on our Twitter, our website, we’ve got a medium blog, where we post articles on different tips removals with some of the areas I touched upon today, you can find in our articles. And we actually just build out like a fun merch store where you can buy mugs, and just a couple other ways to just stay involved with the community. But I think the best way right now is to hop on our Discord. Just say hello. And you’ll see that everyone’s like, willing to help and will probably respond within 20 seconds and say hi back.

[00:34:37] Lauren Turton: Thank you again, Rachel for your time and your energy on Freedom with NFTs. Freedom with NFTs fam, you know the drill. If you resonated with this episode, please share it with your community members. My objective when creating this podcast was to interview folks in the NFT and web three space so that more people could get informed and get involved and understand how to use this technology and their lives and in their businesses. That’s all for now. It’s Lauren Turton. I’ll see you on the next one.

I’m your host, Lauren Turton. And it’s been an honor to show up for you in this format, and support you on your journey and creating your version of Freedom with NFTs and web three technology. Please share this episode with your community so we can onboard and educate more people so that the masses could leverage and implement this technology. And don’t forget, get informed and get involved.

Thank you to for making this episode happen.

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